Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bigger Than Me

I have learned over the course of the last year of many programs out there that help families in need.  I have a very strong desire to help others and it weighs very heavily on  my heart that I cannot do more to help others.  Then, I begin to wonder why I can't.  Personally, we just don't have much to give in the way of monetary donations but we do regularly give to those big yellow or red boxes, as much as we can so that the clothes and shoes we have outgrown or don't need, can be used by others that need it.  We currently have 6 garbage bags in the living room to give away.

I am trying to come up with an idea of something that I can do to help others in a big way.  My current thought is to do a donation drive in the summer for school supplies so that we can give to a local organization that helps families with children in need that cannot afford school supplies.  I am going to commit to doing this and hoping that I can give to as many families as possible. I need to contact the organization to see what the greatest need is and to get an estimated number of the families that they serve for this need.

School supplies can be purchased for low costs and can be bought at any time throughout the year so I will probably try to start collecting in the early summer so that by the fall, I will have more supplies. 

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