Thursday, June 27, 2013

Making Things Work.....For Me

In September of 2010, I started my own business with Scentsy.  I was so excited to join the company and be able to make some money while promoting a product that I truly love and use on a daily basis.  I was working the business and holding a few parties here and there.  I was so into what I was doing and I was making some money in the process!

Fast forward to this past year.  I have slowly backed off of working my business because I was getting busy with the kids, work, life, etc.  I gave up on the one thing that I had the option to give up on. I was bringing in orders here and there and was satisfied with that. 

Not anymore.  I want to revive my business and get it going again.  I want to make some real money and help do things with my kids with it.  I would love to make enough money working my business so that I can pay for all of my kids' sports, activities and fun stuff.  I want to be able to say that I am a success and maybe even earn those free trips that you can earn.  It isn't going to be easy, it's going to take time and effort but I want to do it. 

I now sell both Scentsy and Velata.  Luckily for me, the Scentsy brand allows all sales to count to one common goal, building a business and making a real living with this company. 

I have a job, I work part time outside of the home.  I am a busy wife and mom.  I don't have a ton of extra time to myself.  That means working my business my way.  Scentsy brand encourages that.  If I want to work in parties at lunch time or in the morning, I can.  If I want to only work on weekends, I can.  If I want to work only on Thursday evenings, I can.  I can do what I want, how I want because this is my business. 

Just to throw in a few pictures, here are the current monthly flyers for June promotions.  If you see what you like, let me know or head over to my site to place an order!

The God Bless America warmer of the month is currently 10% off and the chocolate promotion is a great deal for Velata. 

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