Monday, April 28, 2014

Race Recap: SuperHero 5K

When I look into the races that are being put on in my area, I often take the time to read about what the race is benefiting and how it will impact the lives of others.  I don't just simply pick one randomly and go run it.   I want to know that the race fees are going to a good cause.  I had heard about the Superhero 5K before and had seen some pictures from some friends' pictures in past years on Facebook.  I was interested already.  Here was a race where I could dress up?!  Awesome already.  The race benefits an organization that is helping abused and neglected children through the CASA organization?  More awesome.  There were going to be kids there to see all the superheroes?!  More awesome.  Count me in.

Of course races that benefit the lives of children are close to my heart.  As a mom, how could they not?  I am very lucky in that I have three healthy, happy kids who live in a safe, happy home.  I feel like it is almost a duty to help those that don't have that.  We help in other ways but for me, if I can run and help them, I am definitely in.

I decided early on that I was going to dress up as Violet from the Incredibles movie. I had the hair and the costume was very easy and simple.  All I had to do was order some red tights and make a black mask and I was done.  Chuck helped me add in the final touches and here is how I looked before the race started....

Not too bad considering this is the character I was trying to portray......

Yes, there are quite a few differences but come on, it was sort of, kind of close! haha.

Anyway, it was a good run, the course was great, we did two loops on a road that is lined with trees in a park so it was nice scenery.  There were over 700 people running and walking.  The temperature was perfect and the kids were loving the run and characters.

I had friends there and my friend's dad captured this photo of me as I was running.  I am not sure if this was right before I finished or during the transition into the second loop.

This was definitely a run that I plan on doing again next year.  I ended up with my personal best live 5k time!  I ran the 5k in 30:18.  I was the 24th female in the 31-40 age group out of 113 and I was 277 overall out of 773!!  I was very happy with how I did.  I had a great time and I maybe even helped out a child in need of help.


  1. Good job in being in the top 25!

  2. Love your costume and its great when the races are doing something for a good cause!

    Great Job on being in the top 25! Sounds like you had a fab race. :)

    Laura | Health and Fitness Blogger

  3. You did an awesome job and I LOVE your costume!

    1. Thank you, I had fun with the costume...made me feel like a kid again!

  4. First off, awesome costume! Second, congrats on the PR!

    1. Thank you, I really enjoyed it and the PR gives me another break that one!

  5. Super cute costume! Looks fun to run in too :)
