Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Staying on Track

Why is it always so hard to stick with something?  I have been trying to find a way to stay organized, on track and scheduled so that I can get everything that I need to get done, done.  I'd love to say that I did find that special trick to keeping it all together and that I am super organized now but I can't, ha.  I am still scatterbrained and not functioning to my best ability.

I am trying to simplify things and really only tackle the necessary things.  I am trying to volunteer myself less and focus on my priorities.  My family, my jobs and fun. I am trying to narrow down the list to things that work better for us and things that make my schedule easier.

I've changed my work schedule at both jobs so that I can spend more time with my kids and be there three days a week to see them as soon as they get home from school. That may not seem like a major thing to some people but to me, it is a very major thing. In order to do this, I had to reduce my days working at the gym down to two days a week and changed the hours that I work at the ice rink.  This means that I won't be able to do any of the classes at the gym that I love but I had to seek out what my real priorities are and I put my family first.

I plan on doing the T25 program to stay active and really focus on my fitness journey.  This will allow me to do short 25 minute workouts (with the husband) and target those areas that need work without spending an hour at the gym and having to figure out how to squeeze it into my schedule.

T25 Program
I've also learned to ask for help.  I've always been that person that has just done it all on her own and complained about it.  The reality was that I am a control freak and I wanted to do it all and be that super mom that could juggle it all.  That is, until I realized that I couldn't do it all.  I started asking for help with transporting to and from sports practices, with switching shifts at work and even having my husband do some pickups or dropoffs.  I've always just thought it was my responsibility and it is, but it's okay to ask others to help out.  It has saved me a ton of aggravation and headaches.  I am not super mom all the time, I'm okay with having that title part of the time. ;)

I'm just a part time super mom!

I still need to find that one perfect way to get all the information down and organized though.  I've seen the life planners, I've seen the bullet journals and they both seem like great ways to keep everything on track but I'm still not sure if those are the answer. 

In addition to all of that, I am trying to stay on track with my running and training for the half marathon that is now less than two months away!!  I've got a good foundation to my running but I need to stay on course with the mileage and consistency. I've had some small issues like severe cramping that has sidelined my weekday runs a bit.  I'm not running today so that my body can recover from another strange thing going on.  I have a strong fear that I won't be ready and I don't want to sabotage this.  I am hoping for a better time this year than last year's half so I am hungry for success.  I am thinking that maybe as soon as the routine gets in place, I will be in better shape to focus more on the training. We'll see though.  

What do you do to stay on track?  What are your best life organizing tips and tricks? Please share them with me!! ;)

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