Monday, August 17, 2015

That Time Already

Every year around this time, we all say the same thing...."where has the summer gone?" 

The days fly by as we plug away at the daily grind with the best intentions of doing fun, fabulous things all summer long.  Then we don't actually do those things because time escaped us as we are filling our weekends with parties, picnics and yard work. 

It is sad.  I always want to do so many things every summer and yet again, here we are mid-August with that long list still sitting there with nothing checked off. Sad panda.

The kids have their schedules and teacher assignments already, we've gotten the bus schedule so we know what time to be standing out there waiting for the big yellow bus. School supplies have been purchased and soon enough, we will be taking those first day of school pictures of our kids all spiffed up and ready for another year.  

I can't decide if I am excited for school to be back in session or not.  Usually I am so ready for the routine to be back in place and for my grocery bill to go down. I don't feel excitement or dread, I guess I am just sort of rolling with the punches so it is what it is. 

I am hopeful for a great school year for all of my kids.  I hope Lincoln enjoys his new teacher, this will be his first time having a male teacher so it will be interesting to see how he responds to him because he is used to the caring, motherly type teachers. The older kids will be adjusting to their schedules and getting used to having a class together....that has never happened before! 

I love summer and I am still hoping to get a few fun things in before the weather turns to colder temps and pumpkin flavored everything. 

Sometimes I swear I need a rewind button on life.

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